Born in 1972, Kristina Burda is a self-taught Toronto-based painter who originally trained as a classical violinist at the Royal Conservatory of Music, a respect for melody and classical composition, which inspired in her a lifelong passion for abstract painting. Kristina’s paintings explore the nature of colour and colour relationships. Each canvas is crisply divided into sections of smooth unblemished paint painstakingly applied layer upon layer, to create relationships between oranges and purples, greys and greens, colours that vibrate next to one another and seem to bend and flex, as though the canvas itself is three-dimensional. In experiencing Kristina’s work, one often feels as though they are snugly residing inside a piece of granite or a precious gem.
- 2023
50th Anniversary Group Show
2022It's Not Fair
2020Art Toronto 2020
2020The New Normal
2019Fine Line
2013Everett Burda 2013
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