This entire body of work begins with and is inspired by the line.
The horizon line, which links two elements – the earth and the sky – elements that will never unite.
The horizon line is the utopia to which every artist tends.
The manifold becoming of the lines of the horizon and their superposition can be compared to the continuous stratification of subjective glances, personal horizons on the reality that surrounds us. This phenomenon also occurs naturally in crystals, where there is an organic stratification of mineral elements.
The artist thus develops a reflection on the results of the composition of these lines that leads her to a minimal expressive synthesis where each work marks the approach to a different place and spiritual dimension.
The exhibition, therefore, will focus on the multiplication of the lines of apparent horizons, such as those of Blind drawings made with graphite or coal, or on the time that passes and is layered as in the overlapping of the sheets in the Paperlines.
Opening Reception
March 30, 2019 2:00 pm – 5:00 pmArtist Links
Included Artworks