Group Exhibition
July 22 – August 21
Featured Artists
Lois Andison
Christine Davis
Matt Donovan
Robert Fones
Angela Grauerholz
John McEwen
Maureen O’Connor
Reinhard Reitzenstein
Katherine Takpannie
Tim Whiten
Opening Reception
July 22, 2021 10:00 am – 5:00 pmIncluded Artworks

artwork detail
after sun, after moon, 2014
lois andisonletterpress print on BFK Rives, ed. of 9 22 1/8” X 14” photo: Michael Cullen

Homage to Atget (Tulleries Fountain), 2007/2008
Angela Grauerholzink jet print on Arches, ed. of 3 40” x 53”

artwork detail

artwork detail

Book of Light: Containing Poetry from the Heart of God, 2015-2019
Tim Whitenhandcrafted crystal clear glass, fragments of drawings, oak 46.5" x 28" x 15"

Morphochrome: Hildegard’s Fourth Vision (for J.W.), 2021
Christine Davislinen, gel, Morpho Didius butterflies 72” x 92”