Fine Line
Group Exhibition
February 23 – March 23, 2019
Opening Saturday February 23rd 2-5 PM
Featuring works by:
Kristina Burda
Lynne Cohen
Gerald Ferguson
Shabnam K. Ghazi
Susanna Heller
Barbara Hobot
Meaghan Hyckie
Ken Nicol
Ron Shuebrook
Denyse Thomasos
Tim Whiten
Opening Reception
February 23, 2019 2:00 pm – 5:00 pmIncluded Artworks

The string of thoughts 6, 2016
Shabnam K. Ghazijapanese tissue, screen print, wooden spool 2.75” x 50” 2”

The string of thoughts 7, 2016
Shabnam K. Ghazijapanese tissue, screen print, wooden spool 2.75” x 50” 2”

artwork detail
Hallelujah II, 2015
Tim Whitenhandcrafted crystal clear glass, brass fittings, lilac branches 60" x 84" x 19"