When we asked Kelly what she wanted to do for her next show, she told us she’d always been interested in seeing her work paired with that of Gerald Ferguson, her teacher and longtime friend. Jerry died in 2009, and the impression he left on the people in his life was the nagging feeling of a conversation unfinished.
Kelly and Jerry are two of a kind. Their work is equally conceptually-based, dismissive of colour, darkly humorous, unabashedly snarky and totally irreverent. They play with their audience and layer intention and meaning, Kelly with words, Jerry with materials. A match made in heaven. The work speaks for itself, and so does Kelly’s title: I have nothing more to say.
“A story of two crotchety artists”
– Kelly Mark
Opening Reception
November 20, 2021 10:00 am – 5:00 pmArtist Links
Included Artworks

Memento Mori, 2017
Kelly Marklost cast bronze with liver of sulfur patina, ed. of 10 8” dia. x 1.75”

Smoke Buddies 3 & 4, 2017
Kelly Markpigment ink on archival rag paper (diptych), unique 18.75" x 32.75"

Everything & Nothing Between Us, 2017
Kelly Marksilkscreen letterpress paper, ed. of 25 33.5” x 25.5”

GDS: Still Life #12, 2013
Kelly Mark8B graphite pencil on wood with matte spray varnish 7" x 13" x 12"

GDS: Still Life #9, 2013
Kelly Mark8B graphite pencil on wood with matte spray varnish 7.5" x 11.5" x 11.5"

GDS: Still Life #10, 2013
Kelly Mark8B graphite pencil on wood with matte spray varnish, 14" x 8" x 8"