My works attempt to explore the possibility of melting memories that reside deep within one’s consciousness. These works are composed of recollective photographs and videos that consist of antique objects embodies with memories. I believe moving images have the ability to call forth and express the fluctuating manner of recollective properties.
Recollections, I presume, are genetically inherent in our DNA which contains a vast amount of knowledge from the past since antiquity.
Furthermore these share a collective memory that extends beyond individual self and interpenetrates between the past and the present era.
If we can recollect such memories, then I believe there is a potential for our future to ascend past the boundaries of cultural, historical and social notions of individuality.
Thus we are situated in a repetitional state of inquiry without an end, which ceaselessly fluctuate between the past, the present, and the future.
“Repetition and recollection are the same movement, just in opposite directions, because what is recollected has already been and is thus repeated backwards, whereas genuine repetition is recollected forwards.”
“repetition” Søren Kierkegaard
Opening Reception
May 3, 2014 2:00 pm – 5:00 pmArtist Links
Included Artworks

Loop - Scale Box, 2013
Ken Matsubaraunique wooden scale box, movie, mixed media 12.25” x 12” x 7.5”

Coney Island, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Oura Tenshudo Church, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Hotel Continental Saigon, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Tokyo Station, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Kamakura Beach, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Meiji Shrine, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Statue of Liberty, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Pont Neuf, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Ofunato Elementary School, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Eiffel Tower, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Potsdamer Platz, 2014
Ken Matsubaramovie, mixed media, music stand, Ed. of 10 53” X 12”- approx. dimensions installed

Storm in a Glass - Silver Glass Bottle, 2014
Ken Matsubaraunique antique container, movie, mixed media 14” x 7.5” diameter

Mekong Delta - Silver Glass Bottle, 2014
Ken Matsubarasilver plated glass bottle, movie, mixed media, Ed. of 3 12” x 6.25” diameter

Letter - Silver Dome Glass, 2014
Ken Matsubarasilver plated glass dome, movie, mixed media, Ed. of 3 8” x 4” diameter

Candle - Silver Dome Glass, 2014
Ken Matsubarasilver plated glass dome, movie, mixed media, Ed. of 3 6” x 3.5” diameter

Storm in a Glass - Medical Box, 2014
Ken Matsubaraunique antique medical box, movie, mixed media 6.75” x 4.5” x 1.25”